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Geologic Model for the Assessment of Technically Recoverable Oil in the Devonian–Mississippian Bakken Formation, Williston Basin

Richard M. Pollastro,1 Laura N. R. Roberts,2 Troy A. Cook3

1U.S. Geological Survey, Energy Resources Science Center, Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
2U.S. Geological Survey, Energy Resources Science Center, Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
3U.S. Geological Survey, Energy Resources Science Center, Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.


We thank several individuals and exploration companies and U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) colleagues for valuable discussions of the Bakken Formation and for providing data and information that aided in the assessment of technically recoverable oil in the Bakken. We are particularly thankful to Robert Coskey, Dan Jarvie, Michael Lewan, Julie LeFever, Mark Smith, and Steve Sonnenberg. We also thank Jeff Kraus, Jeff May, Mark Williams, Stephanie Gaswirth, Larry Anna, Michael Johnson, Monte Bessler, Stephen Nordeng, Bill Walker, and Al Powell for sharing their knowledge and thoughts on the Williston Basin and Bakken petroleum system.

Special thanks are due to Chris Schenk, chief of the U.S. Geological Survey National Oil and Gas Assessment Project (NOGA) Project and the members of the NOGA Review Committee, Ron Charpentier and Tim Klett.

We thank U.S. Geological Survey colleagues Chris Schenk and Larry Anna and AAPG reviewers Julie LeFever and John Breyer for the constructive technical reviews of the manuscript. The manuscript has especially benefited from the editorial review by the U.S. Geological Survey Energy Team editor, Richard Keefer.

Any use of trade names or commercial products in this chapter is for descriptive purposes only and does not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use by the United States Government.


The Upper Devonian and Lower Mississippian Bakken Formation in the United States part of the Williston Basin is a giant continuous (Previous HitunconventionalNext Hit) oil resource. A recent U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) assessment estimated a mean volume of undiscovered technically recoverable oil for the Bakken Formation of about 3.65 billion bbl of oil. The estimate is based on a geologic model and a methodology that defines different assessment units by accumulation type (Previous HitconventionalNext Hit or continuous), structural control, fracture occurrence and prediction, lithology and petrophysical properties, formation thickness, underlying salt movement or dissolution, and level of thermal maturity and oil-generation capacity of Bakken Previous HitsourceNext Hit Previous HitrocksNext Hit.

The Bakken Formation consists of three informal members: (1) lower shale member; (2) Previous HitmiddleNext Hit sandstone member; and (3) upper shale member. Shale members are rich in marine organic matter (as much as 35% by weight) and are the petroleum Previous HitsourceNext Hit Previous HitrocksNext Hit, whereas the Previous HitmiddleNext Hit sandstone member varies in depositional facies and lithology and locally exhibits good matrix porosity (as much as 14%) but with low permeability, a characteristic of tight Previous HitreservoirsNext Hit. Additional commingled production occurs locally from matrix porosity in the immediately underlying, informally named, Sanish sand unit of the Upper Devonian Three Forks Formation. Combined, the Bakken Formation and Sanish sand define the Bakken composite continuous reservoir. On a larger scale, thermally mature organic-rich Bakken shale members are also the Previous HitsourceNext Hit for oils produced from locally occurring Waulsortian mounds or porous strata immediately above the upper shale member in the overlying Lower Mississippian Lodgepole Limestone. As a whole, elements of petroleum Previous HitsourceNext Hit, reservoir, seal, migration, and trap define the stratigraphic and geographic character of a Bakken-Lodgepole Total Petroleum System.

The geographic extent of the continuous oil accumulation within the United States part of the Bakken Formation is defined as the area in which organic-rich shale members of the Bakken Formation are thermally mature with respect to oil generation. The area of the oil-generation window for the Bakken Formation continuous reservoir was determined using a combination of the following: (1) contour mapping of both the hydrogen index (HI) and log-resistivity well data of the upper shale member, (2) calibration of HI to the transformation ratio (TR) from one-dimensional burial history models, and (3) calibration of HI to total organic content.

The geologic model used to further define continuous assessment units (AUs) within the Bakken Formation continuous oil accumulation was, in general, based on assumed levels of thermal maturity and generation capacity of the Bakken shale members as determined from HI and TR, relation of HI and TR to potential fracturing and structural complexity of the Williston Basin, and lithofacies distribution and petrophysical character of the Previous HitmiddleNext Hit sandstone member. The area of the oil-generation window was divided into five continuous AUs: (1) Elm Coulee-Billings Nose AU, (2) Central Basin-Poplar Dome AU, (3) Nesson-Little Knife Structural AU, (4) Eastern Expulsion Threshold AU, and (5) Northwest Expulsion Threshold AU. One hypothetical Previous HitconventionalNext Hit AU, a Previous HitMiddleNext Hit Sandstone Member AU, was defined external to the area of oil generation.

Using the established U.S. Geological Survey methodology, assessment of each Bakken continuous AU was performed after estimation of effective well drainage areas, estimated ultimate recovery (EUR) from productive wells, and production success defined by a minimum EUR of 2000 bbl of oil. The AUs with the greatest resource potential are the Eastern Expulsion Threshold AU (mean volume, 0.973 billion bbl of oil), which is best represented by the Parshall and Sanish fields of Mountrail County, North Dakota, and the Nesson-Little Knife Structural AU (mean volume, 0.908 billion bbl of oil), where structural reservoir Previous HitdevelopmentNext Hit exists, the Previous HitmiddleNext Hit sandstone member is thick and porous, the underlying Sanish sand reservoir unit is commonly present, and shale members have high oil-generation potential and the probability of abundant natural fracturing.

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