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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Special Volumes


AAPG Methods in Previous HitExplorationNext Hit No. 14, Chapter 13: Horizontal Drilling in the Northern Reef Trend of the Michigan Basin , by L. A. Pearce, C. M. Hewitt, and L. M. Corder, Pages 193 - 203
AAPG Methods in Previous HitExplorationTop No. 14: Horizontal Wells: Focus on the Reservoir, Edited by T. R. Carr, E. P. Mason, and C. T. Feazel
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Chapter 13
Horizontal Drilling in the Northern Reef Trend of the Michigan Basin

L. A. Pearce
C. M. Hewitt
L. M. Corder
Shell Western E&P Inc., Houston, Texas, U.S.A.


For a company operating in a mature province, it is extremely important continuously to seek new ways to improve recovery from known hydrocarbon accumulations. As the mechanical process of drilling horizontal wells matured in the mid-1990s, Shell Western E&P Inc. (SWEPI) was quick to apply this new technology to just such a province, the Northern Silurian Niagaran Pinnacle Reef Trend (NRT) in the Michigan Basin. To date, SWEPI has drilled more than 60 horizontal wells in this trend, which accounts for more than 55% of all horizontal drilling in the NRT and continues to be the industry leader. Much has been learned in the past decade, and it appears that the application of lateral drainhole technology can be an effective tool in the NRT in the right geologic and reservoir situations.

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