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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Special Volumes


Pub. Id: A096 (1992)

First Page: 75

Last Page: 91

Book Title: CA 1: Previous HitComputerNext Hit Modeling of Geologic Surfaces and Volumes

Article/Chapter: Modeling Anisotropy in Previous HitComputerNext Hit Mapping of Geologic Previous HitDataNext Hit: Chapter 7

Subject Group: Oil--Methodology and Concepts

Spec. Pub. Type: Previous HitComputerNext Hit Applications

Pub. Year: 1992

Author(s): Gregory Kushnir, Jeffrey M. Yarus


Geologic terrains commonly contain trends arising from structural and depositional causes. Previous HitGeologicalNext Hit mapping algorithms often suppress or distort such trends (anisotropy) because interpolation schemes generally assume spatially uniform (isotropic) influences of nearby Previous HitdataNext Hit points in all directions. In such cases, the resulting map can look unrealistic and therefore be unusable unless edited. Proper assessment of the Previous HitdataNext Hit prior to mapping can determine the direction and strength of anisotropy. Incorporation of this information in the gridding algorithm permits a more faithful representation of the underlying Previous HitgeologicalNext Hit reality. Improvement in the areas of sparse control arises because the structural analysis coupled with other Previous HitgeologicalNext Hit insights puts important constraint on the estimation procedures. In addition, drainage area configurations (Voronoi polygons) more closely conform to the geologic model, when anisotropic properties are incorporated in their construction.

Two methods for incorporating directional trends into surface models are presented, a regional approach where the entire dataset is adjusted before gridding, and a local approach where directional bias is built into the weighting function of each Previous HitdataTop point. Because the regional approach is built into the gridding algorithm, it is more efficient than some techniques commonly used, which require the user to perform a series of steps. The local approach allows different directions and magnitudes of bias to be applied to different areas of a map more easily. Also, the surface at boundaries between areas of varying trend is smooth, overcoming a major problem with methods currently used.

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