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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Special Volumes


AAPG Methods in Exploration No. 13, Chapter 1: Real-time Formation Evaluation for Optimal Decision Making While Drilling: Examples from the Southern North Sea , by J. F. Bristow, Pages 1 - 13
AAPG Methods in Exploration No. 13: Geological Applications of Well Logs, Edited by M. Lovell and N. Parkinson
Copyright © 2002 by The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved.

Chapter 1
Real-time Formation Evaluation for Optimal Decision Making While Drilling:

Examples from the Southern North Sea

J. F. Bristow
Schlumberger Data and Consulting Services
Gatwick, U.K.


In recent years, rapid growth in horizontal-well completions has been driven by the need to reduce field-development costs. Logging-while-drilling (LWD) technology and geosteering techniques have advanced to ensure high rates of success in reaching reservoir targets that are smaller and less clearly defined than those attempted previously. Three recent examples illustrate the benefits of these techniques where LWD data are acquired at the rig site, transmitted real time to the operator's office, and interpreted by a multidisciplinary asset team that updates formation models to enable optimal geosteering decisions.

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