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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Special Volumes


Pub. Id: A145 (1974)

First Page: 249

Last Page: 278

Book Title: M 20: The Black Sea--Geology, Chemistry, and Biology

Article/Chapter: Modern Sedimentation in Black Sea: Sediments

Subject Group: Sedimentology

Spec. Pub. Type: Memoir

Pub. Year: 1974

Author(s): K. M. Shimkus, E. S. Trimonis (2)


Recent sediment studies of the Black Sea were made by the Institute of Oceanology of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union.

The deep-water sediments of the Black Sea are mainly fine grained; coarse material is found locally on the basin slope and deeper areas, especially in the southeastern part of the basin. The latter accumulation is material deposited by turbidity currents. There is a grain-size differentiation of clay minerals; kaolinite (coarsest) occurs nearer the coasts; montmorillonite and illite are more common in the deeper areas.

The grain-size and mineral distribution are controlled by many factors, including inflow of terrigenous material, original size of source material, production of biogenic carbonate, action of currents, and redeposition by slumping and turbidity currents.

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