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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Special Volumes


Pub. Id: A165 (1977)

First Page: 389

Last Page: 416

Book Title: M 26: Seismic Stratigraphy--Applications to Hydrocarbon Exploration

Article/Chapter: Stratigraphic Modeling and Interpretation--Geophysical Principles and Techniques: Section 3. Stratigraphic Models from Seismic Data

Subject Group: Seismic Stratigraphy, Sequence Stratigraphy

Spec. Pub. Type: Memoir

Pub. Year: 1977

Author(s): Norman S. Neidell, Elio Poggiagliolmi (2)


A simplistic view of seismic data and their relation to stratigraphy is adopted. Each event or waveform on each data trace is assumed to relate to a sharp acoustic impedance change in the subsurface directly below the trace location. The incorporation of geologic observations and principles thus should permit interpretation of the acoustic parameter changes in regard to lithology and stratigraphy.

Several departures of the real world from the simplistic view can occur, and these seriously complicate the proposed interpretive sequence. Seismic processing methods, however, act to transform the data so that the simplistic view may be adopted. Further, the preservation of seismic amplitudes and the ability to transform seismic waveforms to more beneficial character add a new and quantitative interpretive dimension to the data.

Seismic model studies are considered as a means of establishing precise requirements for making stratigraphic correlations and describing the seismic character of specific exploration objectives. Such studies further enable the development of a quantitative approach to stratigraphic correlation, not only for the thicker lithologic units, but for thin units--under 20 m-- as well. Seismic amplitudes and waveform manipulations prove to be the foundation of these analytic procedures.

Quantitative methods of stratigraphic correlation in concert with the newly developed work on interpreting seismic reflection patterns offer significant tools for stratigraphic interpretation. Not only are results of improved Previous HitresolutionTop and certainty to be anticipated, but the prospect of making stratigraphic correlations in the presence of complex structure draws closer as a routine exploration practice.

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