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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Special Volumes


Pub. Id: A156 (1989)

First Page: 379

Last Page: 393

Book Title: M 46: Extensional Tectonics and Stratigraphy of the North Atlantic Margins

Article/Chapter: Results from Multichannel Reflection Profiling of the Tagus Abyssal Plain (Portugal)--Comparison with the Canadian Margin: Chapter 24: European-African Margins

Subject Group: Structure, Tectonics, Paleostructure

Spec. Pub. Type: Memoir

Pub. Year: 1989

Author(s): A. Mauffret, D. Mougenot, P. R. Miles, J. A. Malod


A multichannel seismic survey of the Tagus abyssal plain defines the extent of oceanic crust and the continent-ocean boundary. This boundary is marked by landward-dipping reflectors. The oceanic domain is divided into two parts: a deep eastern basin, where an abandoned earliest Cretaceous spreading center is inferred, and a shallower western basin formed after a ridge jump. This latter oceanic domain may have a western complement in the Newfoundland basin.

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