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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Special Volumes


Chapter from: SG 42:  Applications of 3-D Seismic Data to Exploration and Production

Edited by: 
Paul Weimer and Thomas L. David

J. Douglas Uffen

Published 1996 as part of Studies in Geology 42
Copyright © 1996 The American Association of Petroleum Geologists.  All Rights Reserved.

*Editorial Note: Page numbers in this digital version (HTML and PDF) do not correspond to those of the hardcopy.
Otherwise, the two are the same.


Chapter 19: Swan Hills Unit #1: Adding Value with Seismic Data Through Reservoir Delineation and Characterization

J. Douglas Uffen*


Uffen, J. D., Swan Hills Unit #1: Adding value with seismic data through reservoir delineation and characterization, in P. Weimer and T. L. Davis, eds., AAPG Studies in Geology No. 42 and SEG Geophysical Developments Series No. 5, AAPG/SEG, Tulsa, p. 179-188.

An intensive geological study by the operator of the production Unit suggested that clean, unswept reef edge oil could exist in the reservoir. 3-D seismic data were acquired to delineate the reef edge to mitigate drilling risk associated with tapping into these potential reserves. Environmental concerns resulted in modifications to the original program design. Data quality exceeded expectations. Lithologic model-based seismic inversion was conducted to enhance confidence in the location of the reef edge and to investigate whether porosity predictions were possible. Log balancing, pattern recognition event picking, and isovelocity mapping of the reef and platform section were technological innovations required to address this mandate. Reef edge predictions and porosity predictions appeared trustworthy with Previous HitresolutionNext Hit limits stretched to 1/6th of a wavelength. The seismic program proved to add value by mitigating drilling risk for two horizontal wells and one Previous HitverticalTop well. The drilling results reaffirmed predictions, and unit production increased.

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