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AAPG Special Volumes


Chapter from: SG 42:  Applications of 3-D Previous HitSeismicNext Hit Previous HitDataNext Hit to Exploration and Production

Edited by: 
Paul Weimer and Thomas L. David

Jan M. M. van de Sande

Published 1996 as part of Studies in Geology 42
Copyright © 1996 The American Association of Petroleum Geologists.  All Rights Reserved.

*Editorial Note: Page numbers in this digital version (HTML and PDF) do not correspond to those of the hardcopy.
Otherwise, the two are the same.

van de Sande, J. M. M., Prediction of reservoir parameters from 3-D Previous HitseismicNext Hit Previous HitdataNext Hit for the Zechstein 2 carbonate play in the northeast Netherlands, in P. Weimer and T. L. Davis, eds., AAPG Studies in Geology No. 42 and SEG Geophysical Developments Series No. 5, AAPG/SEG, Tulsa, p. 197-204.



Chapter 21: Prediction of Reservoir Parameters from 3-D Previous HitSeismicNext Hit Previous HitDataNext Hit for the Zechstein 2 Carbonate Play in the Northeast Netherlands

Jan M. M. van de Sande*



The Zechstein 2 Carbonate reservoir is part of the Basal Zechstein Unit, which developed in the northeast Netherlands mainly as an anhydrite platform at the southern fringe of the Southern Permian Basin. The facies within the Zechstein 2 Carbonate Member reflect platform, slope, and basinal settings. The subsurface Previous HitdataNext Hit collected in the exploration and development of the Zechstein fields have led to a detailed sedimentological model for the Zechstein 2 Carbonate Member.

Prospects in the Zechstein 2 Carbonate Member are seismically defined as structural highs at the Top Zechstein 2 Anhydrite level. As exploration moves towards the search for more subtle traps, 3-D Previous HitseismicNext Hit Previous HitdataNext Hit become indispensable.

Basal Zechstein isochore maps determined on 3-D Previous HitseismicNext Hit volumes display the topography of the Basal Zechstein platform. Using the sedimentological model, these maps are used to estimate gross reservoir thickness. Variations in reservoir parameters, especially porosity, of the Zechstein 2 Carbonate Member are reflected in the Previous HitseismicNext Hit response. Through synthetic Previous HitseismicNext Hit modeling, 3-D Previous HitseismicNext Hit Previous HitdataNext Hit allow spatial prediction of average reservoir porosity. The Collendoornerveen exploration well demonstrates the successful application of the quantitative Previous HitinterpretationTop techniques.

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