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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Special Volumes


Chapter from: SG 42:  Applications of 3-D Previous HitSeismicNext Hit Data to Exploration and Production

Edited by: 
Paul Weimer and Thomas L. David

Ng Tong San and Marzuki Mohamad

Published 1996 as part of Studies in Geology 42
Copyright © 1996 The American Association of Petroleum Geologists.  All Rights Reserved.

*Editorial Note: Page numbers in this digital version (HTML and PDF) do not correspond to those of the hardcopy.
Otherwise, the two are the same.

Ng Tong San, and M. Mohamad, A quantitative analysis of Previous HitseismicNext Hit reflection in a gas-bearing carbonate buildup, offshore Malaysia, in P. Weimer and T. L. Davis, eds., AAPG Studies in Geology No. 42 and SEG Geophysical Developments Series No. 5, AAPG/SEG, Tulsa, p. 219-224.

Chapter 24: A Quantitative Analysis of Previous HitSeismicNext Hit Reflection in a Gas-Bearing Carbonate Buildup, Offshore Malaysia

Ng Tong San and Marzuki Mohamad*



Miocene carbonate buildups are extensively developed in the Luconia Province offshore Sarawak, Malaysia. Some 200 carbonate buildups have been seismically mapped. In the early exploration days, the carbonate structures were mainly defined using 2-D Previous HitseismicNext Hit data.

The advances of 3-D Previous HitseismicNext Hit data allow Previous HitseismicNext Hit attributes to be used in the development of carbonate gas fields, both for structural mapping and for stratigraphic interpretations. Both vertical and lateral porosity variations in carbonate reservoirs can be calibrated to Previous HitseismicNext Hit amplitude and acoustic impedance. This paper outlines a method that highlights the relationship between the thickness of the reservoir and Previous HitseismicTop isochore values. These techniques can be used to select the optimum location for development wells.

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