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Chapter from: SG
42: Applications of 3-D Seismic Data to Exploration and Production
Edited by:
Paul Weimer and Thomas L. David Author:
Eric H. Johnson
Published 1996 as
part of Studies in Geology 42
Copyright © 1996 The American Association of Petroleum
Geologists. All Rights Reserved. |
E. H., The structure of the Grant Canyon and Bacon Flat oil fields, Nevada,
as revealed by 3-D seismic data, in P. Weimer and T. L. Davis, eds.,
Studies in Geology No. 42 and SEG Geophysical Developments Series
No. 5, AAPG/SEG, Tulsa, p. 237-246. |
Chapter 27: The
Structure of the Grant Canyon and Bacon Flat Oil Fields, Nevada, As Revealed
by 3-D Seismic Data Eric H. Johnson*
The 20-million-bbl Grant
Canyon oil field and its satellite feature, the 1-million-bbl Bacon Flat
field, are located at the eastern edge of Railroad Valley, in Nye County,
Nevada. An 11 mi2 (28 km2) 3-D seismic survey was
acquired in 1993 to image the complicated structures in the area.
Interpretation ambiguities
were reduced by calibrating the seismic data with known geology from 21
wells drilled prior to the 3-D survey and four subsequent wells. Still,
interpretation of this complex area was arduous, hampered by extreme velocity
variations in the overlying basin-fill sediments that degraded seismic
data quality and skewed the imaged time structures.
Integrated seismic and well
data show that the reservoirs of the Grant Canyon and Bacon Flat fields
are remnants of detached Devonian carbonate strata that were emplaced over
younger Paleozoic strata. Following emplacement, the reservoir rocks were
faulted, eroded, and buried under more than 3500 ft (1070 m) of basin-fill
sediments as Railroad Valley developed. Beneath the Devonian reservoirs
in the oil fields, a flexure in the younger Paleozoic strata plunges northwesterly
into the Railroad valley basin. Under the flexure, a flank of the Cretaceous
Troy Pluton dips about 30° northwest. The overlying mass of Paleozoic
rocks has slipped down the surface of the pluton, probably contributing
to much of the faulting and subsequent erosional scouring of the field
To date, the 3-D seismic
survey has contributed to the discovery of 206 ft (63 m) of additional
oil column in the Bacon Flat field and a residual oil accumulation on the
flank of the Grant Canyon field. Other oil traps within the survey area
may be masked by velocity gradients in the basin fill or by the misinterpretation
of seismic data in areas lacking well control. |
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