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Chapter from: SG
42: Applications of 3-D Seismic Data to Exploration and Production
Edited by:
Paul Weimer and Thomas L. David Authors:
Jason R. House, Thomas M. Boyd, and F. Peter Haeni
Published 1996 as
part of Studies in Geology 42
Copyright © 1996 The American Association of Petroleum
Geologists. All Rights Reserved. |
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Chapter 29: Haddam
Meadows, Connecticut: A Case Study for the Acquisition, Processing, and
Relevance of 3-D Seismic Data as Applied to the Remediation of DNAPL Contamination Jason R. House*, Thomas M. Boyd*, and
F. Peter HaeniÝ
J. R., T. M. Boyd, and F. P. Haeni, Haddam Meadows, Connecticut: a case
study for the acquisition, processing, and relevance of 3-D seismic data
as applied to the remediation of DNAPL contamination, in P. Weimer
and T. L. Davis, eds., AAPG Studies in Geology No. 42 and SEG
Geophysical Developments Series No. 5, AAPG/SEG, Tulsa, p. 257-266.
Haddam Meadows State Park
in Haddam, Connecticut, serves as a test site for the Branch of Geophysical
Support of the USGS in Connecticut. At this site, various geophysical techniques
are tested for detection of structures that could influence dense non-aqueous
phase liquids (DNAPL) migration. DNAPLs sink through the water column until
they reach an impermeable boundary. The geology of Haddam Meadows consists
of Ordovician metamorphic bedrock, approximately 43 m deep, overlain by
glaciofluvial and alluvial deposits. If no aquitards exist above bedrock,
any DNAPLs present at this location should collect in topographic lows
in the bedrock. A 3-D seismic dataset was collected at the site to determine
the feasibility of using this methodology to constrain bedrock topography.
Data were recorded from an evenly spaced shot grid along five parallel
receiver lines. Although acquisition was rapid (two days), the offset,
azimuth, and full-fold ranges of the dataset are restricted by the nonoptimized
shot-receiver pattern, limiting our ability to examine bedrock structure.
Data are reduced and interpreted using conventional oil-exploration methods.
Two prominent reflections are observed. Both of these tie to a vertical
seismic profile (VSP) dataset collected in the same area. The upper reflector
corresponds to the refusal depth of the well from which the VSP was acquired.
This reflector can be interpreted as either the top of fractured bedrock
or the top of an overlying till layer. On the basis of previous refraction
studies, we prefer the former interpretation. The lower reflector shows
less topographic relief and is approximately 61 m deep. It is distinguished
by larger amplitudes and is spatially more continuous. We interpret this
reflection as originating from the top of competent bedrock. Amplitude
anomalies along each reflection are examined. We interpret the observed
amplitude anomalies as being indicative of mineralogic changes within the
bedrock, which could be related to remineralization of open fractures or
to the presence of pegmatites. Compared to drilling shallow test wells
or acquiring less costly geophysical datasets, 3-D seismic surveys at this
site have limited economic viability. Investigations that might be deemed
suitable for the application of 3-D near-surface seismic include those
that (1) contain aquicludes of sufficient thickness, lateral extent, and
velocity contrast to be resolved by seismic methods, (2) have targets that
are relatively deep (>15 m), (3) display significant spatial variability
in target depth, target properties, or target continuity, and (4) require
the use of noninvasive methods. |
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