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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Special Volumes
DOI: 10.1306/12401030St563269
Chapter 148: Controlling Factors on the Character of Feeder Systems to a Deep-water Fan, Cingöz Formation, Turkey
There are many controls on the character of deep-water systems; they are to some degree interdependent and can vary from basin to basin and through time. Understanding the effects of these controlling factors on the geometry and internal stacking of units within a submarine fan will help with the prediction of reservoir geometry in areas of poor or limited data, especially in the subsurface environment. The Cingöz Formation comprises two coeval and separately sourced areas within the Adana Basin, called the western and eastern areas. The reservoir character of these two areas display significant differences in bed geometry, size of feeder channels, and the architecture and stacking pattern within the feeder channels and depositional sandstone units. Four controlling factors are identified as the primary reasons for the observed differences within the Cingöz Formation across the basin: local tectonics, basin-margin and basin geometry, sediment-entry-point distribution, and basin bathymetry. These factors are interdependent and influence sediment transport into the basin, transport of sediment within the submarine environment, and the deposition and resulting geometry of the sedimentary units.
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