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AAPG Special Volumes


Zeng, H., 2012, Construction and analysis of three-dimensional seismic porosity inversion models, in S. C. Ruppel, ed., Anatomy of a giant carbonate reservoir: Fullerton Clear Fork (Lower Permian) field, Permian Basin, Texas: Studies in Geology 63, p. 93110.


Copyright copy2012 by The American Association of Petroleum Geologists.

Construction and Analysis of Three-Dimensional Seismic Porosity Inversion Models

Hongliu Zeng1

1Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, U.S.A.


The constructive critical review comments by Julia Gale and Stephen C. Ruppel greatly improved the manuscript. Lana Dieterich edited the manuscript. The illustrations were prepared with the assistance of the graphics group at the Bureau of Economic Geology (BEG). The support of this research by Hampson-Russell Software Services Ltd., and the Landmark Graphics Corporation via the Landmark University Grant Program are acknowledged. The publication is authorized by the director of BEG.


Geology-guided reconditioning of seismic data is the key to improving extraction of relevant geologic information from three-dimensional (3-D) data volumes. In the Fullerton Clear Fork reservoir, the most convenient and useful tools for data reconditioning are phase shifting and high-frequency enhancement. A simple seismic phase rotation (to 90deg) reconditions seismic data for impedance representation, roughly linking seismic amplitude directly to log lithology and porosity and making stratigraphic correlation more accurate. High-frequency enhancement raises the dominant frequency of 3-D seismic data from 30 to 50 Hz, improving seismic resolution without significantly deteriorating signal-to-noise ratio. More accurate and finer scale seismic mapping of reservoir parameters is achieved from model-based progressive inversion that seamlessly integrates geologic interpretation of Previous HitwellTop-derived seismic data and model-based seismic inversion for high-resolution (2 ft [0.6 m]) impedance models.

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