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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Tulsa Geological Society


Tulsa Geological Society Special Publication No. 3: Petroleum Geology of the Mid-Continent; editors: Bailey Rascoe, Jr. and Norman J. Hyne, 1987, Pages 4-5.

Basement Structure of the Mid-Continent*



F. J. Adler1, H. T. Henslee1, I. C. Hicks1, T. G. Larson1, B. Rascoe, Jr.1, W. Previous HitMNext Hit. Caplan2, Previous HitMNext Hit. P. Carlson3, E. Previous HitDNext Hit. Goebel4, Previous HitMNext Hit. H. McCracken5, J. S. Wells5, Previous HitMNext Hit. C. Parker6, and Previous HitMTop. W. Schramm, Jr.7
1Phillips Petroleum Company, Bartlesville, Oklahoma
2Arkansas Geological Commission, Little Rock, Arkansas
3Conservation & Survey Division, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska
4Kansas Geological Survey, Lawrence, Kansas
5Missouri Division of Geological Survey and Water Resources, Rolla, Missouri
6Iowa Geological Survey, Iowa City, Iowa
7White Shield Oil & Gas Corporation, Tulsa, Oklahoma


*Reprinted and edited from AAPG Memoir 15, v. 2, p. 1000-1004, 1971.

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