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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Tulsa Geological Society


Tulsa Previous HitGeologicalNext Hit Society Digest
Vol. 32 (1964), Pages 177-177

Current Applications of Computers by Exploration Geologists: Abstract

James M. Forgotson1


Many geologists are beginning to use the Previous HitcomputerNext Hit to aid in solving some exploration problems. Examples of five types of Previous HitcomputerNext Hit applications in use by explorationists are presented.

Key micropaleontological Previous HitdataNext Hit from several thousand wells penetrating portions of the Tertiary in the Louisiana-Texas Gulf Coast area are stored on magnetic tape for Previous HitcomputerNext Hit usage. Previous HitDataNext Hit retrieval programs select wells encountering specified paleo markers and process associated environmental Previous HitdataNext Hit for preparation of maps showing paleogeography, shorelines, and attitude of ancient sea floors. Too much time is required to justify such map preparation manually.

Correlative tops from electric logs and sample logs are recorded on punched cards or magnetic tape to allow rapid map preparation using the Previous HitcomputerNext Hit in combination with automatic plotting equipment. Current programs include ability to accept normal fault Previous HitdataNext Hit and restore section on isopachous maps. Fault patterns, combinations of isopach and structure Previous HitdataNext Hit, and isoliths of sands and combinations of sands can be mapped. Truncation, onlap, shale-out, etc., are indicated on printed results and plotted maps to aid interpretation and Previous HitcontouringNext Hit.

Computers prepare facies maps from quantified descriptive lithologic information. Many maps can be plotted automatically to show interrelationships of lithologic and faunal variables for quick appraisal and selection of key maps for further refinement.

Trend analysis is used to remove regional gradient to enhance local anomalies. The technique is being applied to various types of contoured Previous HitdataNext Hit where identification of local anomalies is important.

Previous HitComputerNext Hit programs designed to calculate theoretical gravity due to known or postulated structures are useful for interpretation of deep salt mass configurations. Models of assumed structures can be constructed from seismic or subsurface Previous HitdataNext Hit and modified until computed gravity agrees closely with observed gravity thus indicating the best structural interpretation.

Computers will become more important in exploration as our ability for efficient use improves and as geologists realize their potentialities.


Acknowledgments and Associated Footnotes

1 Pan-American, Tulsa

May 25, 1964

Copyright © 2006 by the Tulsa Previous HitGeologicalTop Society