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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Utah Geological Association


Park City District, Utah; Guidebook to the Geology of Utah 22, 1968
Pages 83-91

Sulfur Isotope Study—Park City, Utah

Uldis Jansons


Sulfur isotope ratios from mines of the Park City district show average δ S34 values of +3.3‰ for pyrite, 2.3‰ for sphalerite, and 1.4‰ for galena. Variations in sulfur isotope ratios are noted within mineral grains and crystals. Sphalerite grains show δ S34 variations between 0.1 and 0.5‰ in specimens selected on the basis of increasing iron content while pyrite showed a difference of more than 1.4 ‰ δ S34 between the core and rim of a 1frac12.gif (855 bytes) inch pyritohedron. Sulphur−34 is preferentially incorporated in early-formed minerals in the order pyrite, sphalerite, and galena. Temperature of formation based upon sulfur isotope fractionation between sulfide and sulfate is approximately 350°C which agrees with temperatures determined by other methods. Hypogene and supergene sulfates are distinguished by δS34 values. Statistically no difference can be shown for each mineral phase from the Ontario or Mayflower Mines. The δS34 values are enriched in S when compared to the Bingham and Tintic dictricts and it is suggested that at least some of the sulfur in the three districts is from different sources.

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