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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Utah Geological Association


Orogenic Patterns and Stratigraphy of North-Central Utah and Southeastern Idaho, 1985
Pages 261-268

Geophysical Interpretations East of Preston, Idaho, Based on Previous HitGravityNext Hit and Magnetic Data

Steven R. Scheu


Previous HitGravityNext Hit and magnetic profiles in northeastern Cache Valley, Idaho, suggest that an east-dipping diabase sill between 0.5 and 1.5 kilometers thick intrudes Miocene and Pliocene strata of the Salt Lake Formation at a depth of 0.5 to 3 kilometers.

The study area is located east of the town of Preston, Idaho, and covers 86 square kilometers adjacent to surface exposures of a series of diabase intrusions that crop out from Bear River south to near the Utah border south of Franklin, Idaho. The presence of a concealed sill, rather than a lava flow, is suggested because Previous HitgravityNext Hit modeling shows the diabase cuts both Proterozoic quartzitic strata and Tertiary valley fill. The magnetic Previous HitmodelsTop utilize simple magnetic shapes to produce theoretical curves that closely match the observed data.

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