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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Utah Geological Association


Thrusting and Extensional Structures and Mineralization in the Beaver Dam Mountains, Southwestern Utah, 1986
Pages 63-68

An Unusual Lacustrine Dolomite Sequence in Jurassic Rocks of the Beaver Dam Mountains, Southwestern Utah

John L. Larsen, Dru R. Nielson, J. Keith Rigby


Thin, lenticular beds of laminated, finely crystalline, pinkish-gray dolomite occur with interbedded mudstone as the upper approximately 10 meters of a lower lacustrine member of the Kayenta Formation. The lacustrine origin of these rocks is suggested by their great lenticularity and facies relationships and they represent shallow, perhaps ephemeral, lakes. Dolomite units are essentially unfossiliferous, although some contain impressions of fish scales and plants. The lacustrine unit is particularly well-exposed near Pahcoon Spring, but is intermittently exposed along Pahcoon Wash and Jackson Wash in the Beaver Dam Mountains. Equivalent rocks have been recognized as far east as the Harrisburg Dome, east of St. George.

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