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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Utah Geological Association


Energy and Mineral Resources of Utah, 1991
Pages 145-154

Iterative Modeling and Imaging of Seismic Data in Depth to Help Delineate Petroleum Reservoirs in the Utah Overthrust Belt

Alvin K. Benson


In order to obtain an accurate picture of the true subsurface geology in structurally complex areas where velocity changes rapidly in all directions, seismic data must be imaged in depth. Subsurface velocity models necessary to form these accurate pictures can be obtained from the data through Previous HitselfNext Hit-consistent computer modeling. Some examples from the Overthrust Belt in north-central Utah are examined to help delineate possible petroleum reservoirs in the Jurassic Nugget Sandstone. Where available, the modeling is controlled with nearby well data. The methods discussed are essential for clarifying structure beneath complex overburden to help delineate and evaluate subsurface hydrocarbon traps.

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