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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Utah Geological Association
New Observations of Grabens from the Needles District, Canyonlands National Park, Utah
Careful field measurements and air photo analysis of several classic grabens of the Needles District of Canyonlands National Park reveal that opposing graben-bounding normal faults typically exhibit unequal displacements along their length. The unequal throws, in conjunction with possible rollover (hanging wall) anticlines and distinct map traces of master and antithetic faults on either side of a particular graben, demonstrate that a subtle asymmetric, half-graben geometry is characteristic of many Canyonlands grabens. Near-tip displacement profiles demonstrate that graben faulting nucleated and spread along preexisting joints. New high-precision topographic profiles, along with observed stratigraphic offsets and a revised age for graben nucleation, indicate 25 percent extensional strain, with an average strain rate of 10−13 s−1, or 2 cm year−1, across the graben system.
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