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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Utah Geological Association


Geology and Resources of the Paradox Basin, 1996
Pages 303-312

Preliminary Fusulinid and Conodont Biostratigraphy of the Honaker Trail Formation (late Middle Pennslvanian-Late Pennsylvanian) in the Gibson Dome 1 and Elk Ridge 1 Cores, Paradox Basin, Utah

Robert S. Nail, James E. Barrick, Scott M. Ritter


Fusulinid and conodont faunas from the Gibson Dome #1 and Elk Ridge #1 cores, San Juan County, Utah, show that the Honaker Trail Formation in these cores ranges in Previous HitageNext Hit from the late Desmoinesian through most of the Virgilian (late Middle to Late Pennsylvanian). There is no Previous HitbiostratigraphicNext Hit evidence for any major hiatuses in this stratigraphic interval. The combined use of fusulinids and conodonts permits the recognition and Previous HitcorrelationTop to the Midcontinent succession of intervals of time, equivalent in duration to individual cyclothems and small groups of cyclothems.

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