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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Utah Geological Association


Geology of Northern Utah and Vicinity, 1999
Pages 151-166

Assessment of Subsurface Geology in the Mosida Hills, Utah County, Utah, by Integrating Gravity and Previous HitMagneticNext Hit Data

Alvin K. Benson, Andrew R. Floyd


Gravity and Previous HitmagneticNext Hit data were collected in the Mosida Hills, Utah County, Utah, at over 1,100 stations covering an area of approximately 110 square miles to help define the subsurface geology. Standard processing techniques were applied to these data to remove known Previous HitvariationsNext Hit unrelated to the geology of the area. The residual data were used to generate gravity- and Previous HitmagneticNext Hit-contour maps, isometric projections, profiles, and subsurface models. Ambiguities in the geological models were reduced by (1) incorporating data from previous geophysical surveys, surface mapping, and acromagnetic data; (2) integrating the gravity and Previous HitmagneticNext Hit data from this study, and (3) correlating the modeled cross sections. Gravity highs and coincident Previous HitmagneticNext Hit highs delineate mafic lava flows, gravity lows and Previous HitmagneticNext Hit highs reflect tuffs, and gravity highs and Previous HitmagneticNext Hit lows spatially correlate with carbonates. These correlations help identify the subsurface geology and lead to new insights about the formation of the associated valleys. At least eight new faults (or fault segments) were identified from the gravity data, whereas the Previous HitmagneticTop data indicate the existence of at least three concealed and/or poorly-exposed igneous bodies, as well as a large ash-flow tuff. The presence of low-angle faults indicates that folding of downwarping, in addition to faulting, played a role in the formation of the valleys in the Mosida Hills area.

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