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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Utah Geological Association


Geology of Northwest Utah, 2006
Pages 145-151

Bonneville SeaBase – Geothermal Direct Use at Grantsville Warm Springs Tooele County, Utah

Jon Allred, Robert Blackett


Bonneville SeaBase is a unique, entrepreneurial enterprise at the edge of Utah’s west desert that utilizes the low-temperature geothermal resource offered by the springs for commercial underwater recreation. Grantsville Warm Springs issue from alluvial deposits along the northeast flank of the Stansbury Mountains bordering the west side of Tooele Valley in Tooele County, Utah. The springs eventually drain by surface and subsurface flow northeastward to Great Salt Lake. SeaBase takes advantage of otherwise limited-usefulness, saline thermal water to create an environment compatible for aquatic marine life and couples this with a scuba Previous HitdivingTop experience for customers. Dissolved content of the spring water in the dive pools approaches that of seawater at about 26,500 mg/L, allowing the operators to stock the pools with over 100 types of marine fishes.

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