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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Utah Geological Association


Geology and Geologic Resources and Issues of Western Utah, 2009
Pages 187-196

Gold Mineralization at Kings Canyon, Millard County, Utah

John E. Zimmerman


Kings Canyon is a gold exploration project situated in the Confusion Range of southwestern Millard County, Utah. It holds over 200,000 ounces of gold in two separate gold mineralized zones as well as numerous other prospective exploration targets. The mineralization is Carlin-type, sediment-hosted Au mineralization primarily in middle Devonian Simonson Dolomite. It is controlled by northwest-trending, steep faults and has associated silicification, decalcification, clay seams, fluorite, and barite. The gold mineralization is all fine grained, disseminated, near surface, oxidized, and associated with weak Ba, Sb, Hg, F, Zn, and Mn. The deposits appear likely to be economic at current gold prices (about $900 per ounce).

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