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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

West Texas Geological Society


West Texas Geological Society Bulletin
Vol. 24 (1985), No. 6. (February), Pages 5-10

Late Permian Volcanic Ash Beds in the Quartermaster-Dewey Lake Formations, Texas Panhandle1

Michael A. Fracasso, Allan Kolker


The Previous HitageNext Hit of the Quartermaster and Dewey Lake Formations of the Permian Basin is problematic. Although they are generally considered Late Permian in Previous HitageNext Hit, the possibility of an early-to-middle Triasic Previous HitageTop has also been raised. The discovery of volcanic ash beds in the Quartermaster and Dewey Lake Formations of the Palo Duro Basin, isotopically dated as Late Permian, contributes to the resolution of this ambiguity.

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