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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

West Texas Geological Society


West Texas Geological Society Bulletin
Vol. 25 (1986), No. 9. (May), Pages 4-10

Mixed Previous HitCarbonateNext Hit - Terrigenous Clastic Sedimentation on a Ramp-Topped Shelf (Distally-Steepened Ramp), The Eastern Shelf of the Midland Basin

Thomas E. Yancey


Cyclic units of late Pennsylvanian age on the Eastern Shelf of the Midland Basin were deposited under conditions of repeated transgression and regression, involving major changes in water depth. Carbonates and terrigenous clastics were deposited within different depth zones, but the locations of these zones migrated across the shelf in response to changes in Previous HitseaNext Hit Previous HitlevelNext Hit. Previous HitCyclesNext Hit are lithologically varied, but those with lithologic symmetry between transgressive and regressive intervals (regardless of thickness symmetry) provide the clearest indication of depositional environments, and can be used as a standard to interpret nearly all cyclic units. The lithologic patterns formed fit a model of deposition under regularly fluctuating Previous HitseaNext Hit levels on a ramp-topped shelf (distally-steepened ramp), rather that delta control on a platform shelf. Previous HitSeaNext Hit Previous HitlevelNext Hit curves for the late Pennsylvanian and Permian can be generated from these Previous HitsequencesNext Hit, and used for basin-wide correlation. Previous HitSeaNext Hit Previous HitlevelNext Hit control also provides a superior means of understanding depositional patterns and Previous HitsequencesTop on the Eastern Shelf.

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