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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

West Texas Geological Society


West Texas Geological Society Bulletin
Vol. 26 (1986), No. 1. (September), Pages 6-9

The Enigma of Previous HitBlackNext Hit Peak, an Atokan Succession in the Western Marathon Basin, West Texas

Charles A. Ross


At Previous HitBlackNext Hit Peak, near the western edge of the Marathon Basin, a succession of limestone and shale is lithologically dissimilar to other beds of Atokan age exposed in the area. In contrast to the allochthons of the Marathon fold belt, which are composed mainly of turbidites and deep basinal deposits, the Previous HitBlackTop Peak exposures are probably outer shelf carbonates and shales. Many questions about this succession remain unanswered, including where did it come from, how did it get to its present location, and when did it arrive.

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