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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

West Texas Geological Society


West Texas Geological Society Bulletin
Vol. 29 (1989), No. 4. (December), Pages 5-8

The Permian Basin: A Large Reserve of Oil and Money, a Challenging Opportunity for Geologists

Stephen R. Robichaud


The Permian Basin is today, and will be in the future, one of the world’s largest oil producing provinces. The USA has produced much more oil in the history of the world than any other nation, and 1/5th of the USA total was produced from the Permian Basin. About 1/4 of the crude oil that is known to exist in the USA is under the Permian Basin. The USA currently produces more crude oil than all but one nation in the world, and 1/5th of that production is from the Permian Basin. The oil resources of the Permian Basin represent a challenging opportunity for west Texas geologists, and a reason for WTGS members to prevail in the petroleum industry.

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