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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

West Texas Geological Society


West Texas Geological Society Bulletin
Vol. 33 (1994), No. 5. (January), Pages 5-11

Patch Reef Dominated Outer-Shelf Facies along a Non-Rimmed Platform, Middle to Upper Tansill Formation, Northern Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico

Sibylle U. Noe, S.J. Mazzullo


A series of Capitan-type patch reefs, and peritidal islands, compose outer-shelf facies in middle to upper Tansill strata in Sheep Draw and Dark canyons in the Carlsbad Embayment, northern Guadalupe Mountains. The patch reefs, some of which were deposited perpendicular to the shelf margin, are mostly composed of syndepositionally marine-cemented buildups dominated by inozoan and sphinctozoan calcisponges, Archaeolithoporella, and locally, Tubiphytes. The fundamental control on patch reef geometry and biotic composition appears to have been related to sea level history, although it is the apparent absence, by non-deposition, of the Capitan reef in this area that shifted the focus of reef growth from the platform margin to the outer-shelf.

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