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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

West Texas Geological Society


West Texas Geological Society Bulletin
Vol. 35 (1996), No. 9. (May), Pages 5-14

Depositional Setting for the Bissett Formation (Cretaceous) of West Texas

Robert Wilcox, David M. Rohr


The Bissett Formation (Lower Cretaceous) of West Texas can be divided into the following three distinct members: a carbonate-clast conglomerate dominates the lower member, non-marine limestone with varying amounts of interbedded calclithic sandstone plus conglomerate with minor evaporitic trona comprise the middle member, and a fining-upward sequence of conglomerate to distal-fan paleosols is found in the upper member. The upper member is separated from the middle member by an angular unconformity. Up to 278 m thick, the Bissett overlies Upper Permian strata and occurs below Middle Albian Cretaceous rocks.

The Bissett Formation was deposited in a combination of alluvial fan, fan-delta, and lacustrine depositional systems and was subjected to periodic erosion. Two episodes of Aptian-age tectonic activity are indicated by angular unconformities and thick alluvial-fan deposits.

Lithostratigraphic, paleocurrent, fossil data, and tectonics link the Bissett with basal Cretaceous, Neocomian-Albian continental-to-marine transitional lithofacies on the western Diablo Platform.

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