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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

West Texas Geological Society


The Permian Basin: Proving Ground for Tomorrow's Technologies, 2000
Page 193

Abstract: Application of Integrated Geophysical Methods in a Reservoir Characterization Study of the Upper Blinebry Interval, South Justis Unit, Lea County, New Mexico

James J. Reeves,1 W. Hoxie Smith2


GeoSpectrum, Inc., performed a comprehensive reservoir study of the Upper Blinebry Formation at South Justis Unit. Previous Previous HitpetrophysicalNext Hit analyses indicated that roughly 80 percent of remaining recoverable reserves are in this Formation.

ARCO supplied GeoSpectrum with detailed core descriptions from 4 cored Previous HitwellsNext Hit, 4 vertical seismic profiles (VSPs) from the cored Previous HitwellsNext Hit, and 3-D seismic data that was acquired at 110 ft group spacing. Additionally, digital data from 43 injection Previous HitwellsNext Hit with modern suites of logs were used for further Previous HitpetrophysicalNext Hit Previous HitanalysisNext Hit and pore type determination.

The South Justis Unit is undergoing secondary recovery from a waterflood designed with a five-spot injection pattern and developed on 20 acre spacing. Oil production from the secondary recovery operations has been less than anticipated. A number of previous reservoir studies (both in-house and by contractors) have been conducted to address production problems. However, this study is the first at the South Justis Unit to integrate 3-D seismic attribute Previous HitanalysisNext Hit and pore typing from advanced petrography and Previous HitpetrophysicalNext Hit Previous HitanalysisNext Hit.

The presentation will review the methodology applied to integrate the large database for defining porosity development within the study interval. Geophysical methods applied in the reservoir Previous HitanalysisNext Hit include: three versions of seismic data processing, integration of VSP data, phase Previous HitanalysisNext Hit, seismic amplitude normalization, coherency, and seismic inversion. The seismic inversion compared favorably to cumulative oil and water production from individual Previous HitwellsTop. After removal of a few outliers, a Kendall Tau significance coefficient of about .9 is obtained.

Several recommendations have been made to increase production at the Unit, including a recommendation for selective infill drilling.


Acknowledgments and Associated Footnotes

1 James J. Reeves: GeoSpectrum, Inc., Midland, Texas

2 W. Hoxie Smith: GeoSpectrum, Inc., Midland, Texas

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