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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
West Texas Geological Society
Seismic Modeling of a Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic Prograded System Middle Permian, Midland Basin
By using two-dimensional forward and inverse modeling, the sequence geometries and the distribution of sandstones and major carbonate porosity trends of the Middle Permian sequences of the Midland basin were successfully modeled. Lower impedance sandstones occur in three positions within the sequences: 1) as onlapping lowstand fans onto the toe-of-slope; 2) as basal transgressive units; and 3) within prograding highstand clinoforms. Depositional clinoforms are also expressed as differences in impedance within carbonate foreset units. The carbonate highstand banks are composed of dolomite in the topset beds and limestone in the slope and basin clinoforms. Thick low impedance porous zones in the topset dolomites are evident on inverse total impedance plots. Sequence-and well-keyed velocity interpretation resulted in a good match between well impedance values and inverse total impedance plots.
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