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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
West Texas Geological Society
and Hydrocarbon Anomalies - Alabama Ferry Field, Leon and Houston Counties, Texas
Several petroleum exploration methods, dependent on hydrocarbon microseepages or related near-surface alterations, have been tested over the recently discovered (1983) Alabama Ferry Field, Leon and Houston Counties, Texas. Tests over this relatively deep major stratigraphic accumulation included:
Aerial gamma-ray spectral uranium and potassium data, and “micromagnetic” data available from the NURE program of the U.S. Department of Energy combined with geomorphology.
Recon Exploration’s airborne hydrocarbon sensor.
Surface gamma-ray spectral uranium and potassium data.
Interstitial soil gas hydrocarbon data.
The field was detectable using all the remote sensing systems: aerial radiometric, aeromagnetic and helicopter-borne microwave hydrocarbon sensor.
The validity of all the aerial anomalies was confirmed by a 15-mile surface profile of sample stations across one of the better-producing sections of the field.
It is concluded that a carefully designed integrated program including the following steps should significantly improve wildcat success and decrease costs over conventional methods in the search for similar subtle traps in both mature and frontier basins.
Reconnaissance for Leads:
NURE data studies combined with geomorphology.
Search for Microseeps:
Airborne hydrocarbon sensor.
Surface Validation of NURE Anomalies to Better Define Prospects:
Surface gamma-ray spectrometry combined with soil
Surface Validation and Characterization of Airborne Hydrocarbon Anomalies:
Interstitial soil gas hydrocarbon studies.
Integrate Data With Conventional Methods:
Seismic and Subsurface geology.
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