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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

West Texas Geological Society


Pages 181-189

Seismic and Landsat in a Wrench Faulting System

G. Pat Bolden


Three high-multiplicity seismic profiles demonstrate the compressional nature of the faulting along the Double Mountain Lineament in northeast Garza County in the Permian Basin. NASA high-altitude aircraft imagery using Landsat parameters delineate the traces of these faults on the surface. A fourth seismic profile and a Landsat image will be viewed with permission but can not be reproduced for this Symposium. The drainage system also defines the fault traces by following the zones of fracture and weakness in the Permian and Triassic outcrops.

A north-south seismic profile across the Double Mountain Lineament (P Shear), defines two thrust faults, two high-angle reverse faults and a pop-up block. NASA high-altitude imagery (NASA JSC 325 Oct. 75) and stream drainage indicate the traces of these faults. The developed pattern fits the definition of left lateral wrench faulting (Figure 1). Overlying carbonate shelf margins are developed above the deep structure, which further enhances the structural interpretation.

Both east-west and north-south seismic profiles define the Double Mountain Lineament and the associated faulting. A 1-mile wide pop-up block with a high angle reverse fault on both sides demonstrates the compressional nature of the faulting. The high-altitude imagery delineates the surface traces of the faults. This structure has been drilled with several Strawn and Ellenburger producers, confirming the seismic and surface interpretation in the subsurface.

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