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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
West Texas Geological Society
High Resolution Seismic and the Search for the Subtle Trap
Traditionally recorded and processed seismic reflection data, while useful for the delineation of the larger structural traps of the Permian Basin, has proved inadequate in the search for the more subtle structural or stratigraphic reservoir. Seismic response over a large part of the Basin is sufficiently high to allow the recording of much higher frequencies than generally attempted. This “broad band” data, if carefully recorded and processed with the instrumentation and computer programming now available, provides the explorationist with a very effective tool. If the high resolution seismic is further processed through velocity inversion, depth converted, and displayed at a vertical scale of 100 or 200 feet per inch, it may be matched directly with any available electrical log curve. In addition, “PC” based modeling systems are now commonly available to produce synthetic seismograms and interpolation models. The inversions, synthetics and model studies provide an extremely valuable link between the seismologist and the exploration geologist.
Examples of high resolution seismic data in various formats will be shown. The link between these data and the geological objective through model studies and correlations with electric logs will be demonstrated. Finally the successful utilization of these data in the discovery of an oil field will be documented.
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