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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

West Texas Geological Society


Pages 1-11

An Example of the Use of Satellite Image Analysis and Digital Previous HitDataNext Hit Integration in Exploration for Hydrocarbons in West Texas

R. L. Borger


Evidence is given for the identification of subsurface structure in west Texas using satellite imagery. A system of digital Previous HitdataNext Hit integration is proposed for the confirmation of image interpretation. A strategy for using these techniques to aid in the exploration for hydrocarbons is developed.

Map Previous HitdataNext Hit and image Previous HitdataNext Hit may be digitally integrated to provide improved confidence in interpretations made from either source. Surface features identified from drainage/topographic patterns may relate to subsurface structure. Surface linear features may be related to subsurface faulting. These surface features can be of assistance in the interpretation of both well Previous HitdataNext Hit and seismic Previous HitdataNext Hit. Previous HitGravityNext Hit and aeromagnetic Previous HitdataNext Hit can be integrated into the Previous HitdataNext Hit package to further refine the surface and subsurface interpretation once the overall characteristics and limitations of these Previous HitdataNext Hit sources are understood. Existing seismic Previous HitdataNext Hit must be evaluated not only on the basis of vintage and visual quality, but also on its location relative to drainage and interpreted features. Other Previous HitdataNext Hit such as well information and land or lease holdings can be added along with geological, facies, clastic ratio, carbonate percentage, porosity, permeability or any other maps which would be appropriate to the area of study. Use of a digitally integrated Previous HitdataTop package will improve the efficiency of an exploration program by making sure that expensive exploration databases are fully utilized in the identification and ranking of exploration targets.

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