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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
West Texas Geological Society
Facies, Depositional Enviornments, and Reservoir Properties of the Upper Queen Formation, Concho Bluff and Concho Bluff North Fields, Texas
The Queen Formation is part of the Artesia Group, a complex sequence of carbonates, evaporites and clastics that was deposited across the back-reef shelves of the Permian Basin during late Permian time. A study of the facies and depositional environments of the upper Queen Formation (Late Permian) of Concho Bluff and Concho Bluff North Fields (Crane, Ector and Upton Counties, Texas) was undertaken to determine its depositional origins and the influence of depositional and diagenetic processes on the formation of Queen reservoir sandstones. The results indicate that the upper Queen was deposited in fluvial and sabkha environments that were established on the back-reef shelf of the Permian Basin during a sea level low-stand. They also show that the Queen reservoirs accumulated in fluvial sandflats and fan deltas, where fairly high current velocities led to the deposition of well-sorted and highly porous and permeable sandstones, and that their porosity is secondary in origin.
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