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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

West Texas Geological Society


Pages 101-109

Development of a Log-Based Petrophysical Model for a Complex Dolomitic Reservoir

P. Gamboa, J. Reis, S. Morriss


A petrophysical model was developed for a complex dolomitic reservoir using log data. Petrophysical parameters provided by the model are porosity, water saturation, mineralogy, and permeability. The petrophysical model was calibrated with core data.

Data from the Lithodensity Tool (LDT)1, the Compensated Neutron Log (CNL)1, the Borehole Compensated Sonic Log (BHC)1, and the Natural Gamma Ray Spectroscopy Log (NGS)1 were used in the statistical program ELAN1 to calculate formation porosity and lithology. A crossplot of the formation resistivity factor versus the calculated porosity, for the zones where the calculated flushed zone water saturations using the Electromagnetic Propagation Tool (EPT)1 were 100%, was used to estimate the value for the cementation exponent “m”. The value of the saturation exponent “n” was estimated through trial and error matching water saturations in the flushed zone obtained with the EPT to those calculated using the Microspherically Focused Log (MSFL)1 in the Dual Water equation. The calculated porosity and mineralogy were used in a modified Kozeny equation to estimate formation permeability to air.

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