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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

West Texas Geological Society


In Search of New Permian Basin Oil and Gas Fields: Using Today's Technologies and Tomorrow's Ideas for Exploration, Development, and 3D Seismic in a Mature Basin, 1995
Pages 31-38

Use of Computers to Perform Old Log Analysis

Damian G. Barrett


In the past, old GR-Neutron (1940s to 1960s) and old electric logs have not been widely used for detailed log analysis, because performing this task accurately is extremely manpower intensive. Recent developments in computer hardware and software have made it feasible to digitize and analyze old logs and obtain more accurate reservoir parameters for fields that were developed in the 1930s to the 1960s, before modern logs were available.

This paper describes a computer-based methodology to efficiently rescale old GR-Neutron and E-logs, then perform shale volume, effective porosity, bulk volume water (BVW), and water saturation calculations. This method leads to more accurate reservoir characteriza-tion and reserves determination. Using the computer simplifies this task and reduces the cost enough such that old fields may be studied which otherwise might not be economically feasible to study.

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