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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

West Texas Geological Society


Precambrian-Devonian Geology of the Franklin Mountains, West Texas – Analogs for Exploration and Production in Ordovician and Silurian Karsted Reservoirs in the Permian Basin, 1996
Pages 125-140

Chaos in El Paso?

R. K. Goldhammer, Daniel J. Lehrmann


The Lower Ordovician El Paso Group contains several “third-order” depositional Previous HitsequencesNext Hit which consist of higher-frequency “fifth-order” depositional Previous HitcyclesNext Hit. Cycle stacking patterns of cycle type, cycle thickness and subfacies components provide a semi-quantitative representation of systematic shifts in third-order Previous HitcyclesNext Hit of accommodation. In the Franklin Mtns, two complete El Paso Group third-order Previous HitsequencesNext Hit (each approximately 2 myr in duration and 200-450 ft thick) have been described in detail by Goldhammer et al (1993). In light of the integration of cyclostratigraphy with sequence stratigraphy, it is apparent that high frequency Previous HitcyclesNext Hit are regarded as the fundamental attribute which best characterizes or describes the vertical and lateral structure of Previous HitcarbonateNext Hit platforms.

In this study, an empirically-based classification of the architecture of platform carbonates is introduced, invoking the “cycle” as an elemental unit of measurement. In this scheme, Previous HitcarbonateNext Hit systems can be assigned to one of three classes of “behaviour” with regard to the empirical organization of architectural elements. Drawing an analogy to all natural systems, we classify the behaviour of Previous HitcarbonateNext Hit systems, as deterministic through chaotic to stochastic, and intepret such differences as a function of secular variation (icehouse vs greenhouse dynamics), tectonic setting and platform geometry. This attempt at an empirical classification de-emphasizes process and origin and places the focus on detectable structure.

Application of geo-statistical routines (runs tests, Durbin-Watson) to stacks of contiguous platform Previous HitcyclesNext Hit from the Franklin Mtns suggests long-term (third-order) non-random behaviour. This behaviour is best described as chaotic, wherein third-order Previous HitsequencesTop provide a stratigraphic example of non-resonant ‘quasi-periodicity’. The utility of fractals as applied to describing the El Paso Group structure is investigated.

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