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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

West Texas Geological Society


Precambrian-Devonian Geology of the Franklin Mountains, West Texas – Analogs for Exploration and Production in Ordovician and Silurian Karsted Reservoirs in the Permian Basin, 1996
Pages 197-206

Characterization and Categorization of West Texas Ellenburger Reservoirs

Mark H. Holtz, Charles Kerans


The initial depositional environment and postdepositional history of Ellenburger reservoirs in West Texas allows their classification into three reservoir groups: (1) Ellenburger karst-modified dolostones, (2) Ellenburger ramp carbonates, and (3) Ellenburger tectonically fractured dolostones. This classification assists in the exploration, development, and redevelopment of Ellenburger oil and gas reservoirs. Syndepositional-through-burial dolomitization events and tectonics influenced lithologic distribution and porosity and permeability. Together these rock traits control the heterogeneity of Ellenburger reservoirs. Through regional geologic studies, core studies, and statistical analysis of reservoir characteristics, the interplay of the rock characteristics was defined, thus allowing the categorization of Ellenburger reservoirs into the three aforementioned broad groups.

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