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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
West Texas Geological Society
War-Wink Cherry Canyon Trend “Serendipity in Spades”
During the past two years, approximately fifty Cherry Canyon producers have been completed in the Delaware Basin within an area astride the Ward/Winkler county line on University Lands, Blocks 17, 18, and 21. A southwest plunging structural ridge is located within the depocenter of multiple Cherry Canyon sand deposits. This coincidence of structure and stratigraphy results in stacking of numerous pay zones.
The primary target in the Cherry Canyon occurs in the lower 200-300 feet of the formation. These lower zones produce at higher rates than typical for Cherry Canyon. Flowing oil wells with associated gas sustain initial rates from 100-200 BOPD for as long as one year before pumping units are required.
Economical zones will calculate high water saturation due to the high irreducible water. This may result in by-passed pay zones. These zones can be identified by mapping the relative structure of individual sands.
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