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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

West Texas Geological Society


Permian Basin Oil and Gas Fields: Keys to Success That Unlock Future Reserves, 1996
Pages 91-97

Dolostone Reservoir Texture and Fluid Flow

H. M. C. Danielli, Scott M. Frailey, George B. Asquith


Dolostone reservoir textures, and hence hydrodynamic properties, have been modified from their original, depositional characteristics, and may be very different from those of the calcite/aragonite sediment from which they formed. Fluid flow in such reservoirs is controlled by textural features of both depositional and diagenetic origin. This paper shows mathematically that pore geometry controls fluid flow. Some of the diagenetic textural changes that can affect fluid flow and flow unit distribution in dolostones are discussed. The effect this can have on flow unit geometry is illustrated and compared to a reservoir model based on sequence stratigraphy in a San Andres reservoir on the northern shelf of the Permian Basin.

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