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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

West Texas Geological Society


Permian Basin Oil and Gas Fields: Turning Ideas into Production: WTGS Fall Symposium, 1997
Page 115

Abstract: Using the Internet for Accessing Petroleum Technology in the Life Cycle of a Well

Damian Barrett1


This professionally recorded, broadcast-quality video is a “live” demonstration of how any petroleum professional can be more productive by using the World Wide Web. The video demonstrates how to access a variety of resources related to oil and gas exploitation, covering the following subjects:

  • Exploration

  • Land

  • Drilling (including regulatory information)

  • Logging and Completion

  • Stimulation

  • Battery installation

  • Production and analysis

  • Well Plugging

The video is sponsored by the Permian Basin Section of SPE and identifies Home Pages from which data, procedures, or software can be downloaded. The video demonstrates how to use e-mail to ask an expert technical questions, and how to search for technical papers. The video shows how to find consultants for hire or access outsourced work, as well as how to locate employment and educational opportunities.

This video is approximately 40 minutes long and is suitable for a large group technical meeting. It can also be used by smaller groups of petroleum professionals and individuals. The $10 cost is to cover reproduction and mailing costs. Included with the video is a floppy disk containing many useful files, including the video script, the bookmark file of all of the sites visited in the video (in order), a graphical paper providing instruction on accessing the Internet and several Adobe Acrobat files on various Internet subjects.

The Permian Basin Section’s Home Page contains a short clip of the video for viewing. To access the clip, set your web browser to http://www.basinlink.com/spe/, then click on the SPE WWW Video hot link once you reach the Home Page. Movie player software from Quicktime or Netscape 3.0 is required to view the clip. The video can also be ordered from the web page while online. A “hard copy” of the video may be ordered by sending e-mail to: resman@basinlink.com. Please specify the version: either VHS or PAL (some International locations). The video can also be order by mail sent to:


Acknowledgments and Associated Footnotes

1 Damian Barrett: Independant Geologist, Midland, Tx; 414 West Texas, Suite 400 M, Midland, Texas 79701, Phone: (915) 684-4023

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