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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

West Texas Geological Society


Cored Reservoir Examples From Upper Pennsylvanian & Lower Permian Carbonate Margins, Slopes And Basinal Sandstones: West Texas Geological Society 1998 Fall Core Workshop, 1998
Pages 125-148

Depositional Facies and Porosity Development of an Upper Pennsylvanian Algal Mound Reservoir, South Dagger Draw, Eddy County, New Mexico

Denise M. Cox, Lisë Brinton, Scott W. Tinker


The Upper Pennsylvanian in South Dagger Draw produces from the Cisco (Virgilian) and Canyon (Missourian) formations. The depositional environment for the Dagger Draw area is an encrusted algal mound complex. Reservoir quality is predominantly developed in mound facies algal boundstones. Intermound and off-mound facies are also productive from fusulinid grainstone-wackestone, and crinoidal grainstone-packstone. Reservoir baffles/barriers are present as mudstones, siltstones, and terrigenous shales. Depositional facies appear to exert the primary control on pore type and distribution; burial diagenesis exerts a secondary control on porosity development. Reservoir facies are dolomite and are largely productive from vuggy and intercrystalline porosity. Porosity in limestone intervals is generally moldic and volumetrically insignificant.

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