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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

West Texas Geological Society


Cored Reservoir Examples From Upper Pennsylvanian & Lower Permian Carbonate Margins, Slopes And Basinal Sandstones: West Texas Geological Society 1998 Fall Core Workshop, 1998
Pages 40-60

Lithology, Depositional Facies, and Diagenesis of a Lower Leonardian Periplatform Limestone: Indian Wells #17-4 Schlinke, Irion County, Texas

S. J. Mazzullo


Core from the Indian Wells #17-4 Schlinke in Irion County, Texas includes Lower Leonardian periplatform (resedimented) limestones deposited in slope environments seaward of the contiguous Lower Clear Fork platform. Carbonate lithologies include breccias/conglomerates (inferred debris-flow deposits), intraclastic grainstones (inferred grain-flow deposits), and some more micritic deposits (distal-flow deposits). Diagenesis involved a complex of both pre-redepositional and post-redepositional events, which resulted in complete porosity occlusion in these rocks.

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