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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

West Texas Geological Society


The Search Continues into the 21st Century: West Texas Geological Society Fall Symposium, 1998
Pages 105-106

Integrating Sample, Seismic, Previous HitPetrophysicalNext Hit, and Engineering Data to Revitalize an Old Previous HitFieldNext Hit; Ropes Canyon Reef Unit, Hockley County, Texas

Hughbert Collier, Ron Shaw, Michael McCracken


For many old fields, the original cores and/or core data are no longer available to incorporate into modern Previous HitfieldNext Hit studies. In such cases, cutting samples and core chips from Previous HitwellsNext Hit in the Previous HitfieldNext Hit and flank dry holes can be used to characterize the reservoir. These samples can be used to identify facies, porosity types, fracturing, age zonation, and hydrocarbon shows. Hydrocarbon shows (cut and fluorescence) are still detectable in samples more than fifty years old.

These data can be digitized and integrated with Previous HitpetrophysicalNext Hit, seismic, and reservoir engineering data to discover overlooked, new potential pay zones above and below the Previous HitfieldNext Hit’s primary production interval. This study documents one such integrated Previous HitfieldTop study for Ropes Canyon Reef Unit.

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