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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

West Texas Geological Society


The Search Continues into the 21st Century: West Texas Geological Society Fall Symposium, 1998
Pages 251-258

3-D High-Resolution Reservoir Characterization from Crosswell Seismic Data

John Washbourne, Kenneth Bube


An underlying problem in petroleum reservoir development is that the geologic complexity of the earth cannot be represented by a few wells in a field, even with the most sophisticated geostatistical interpolation techniques. The ability to delineate geologic properties within the reservoir at high resolution has an enormous impact on the optimal placement of wells, the design of completions, and production process control. High-resolution characterization is not possible with surface seismic, and well logs provide information only within several feet of wells. We introduce an accurate, and cost-effective means for characterizing reservoirs on scales of a few feet using crosswell seismic. This integrated 3-D modeling approach can simultaneously process data acquired from multiple crosswell profiles, handle data from highly deviated wells in areas of complex structure, and assure 3-D model continuity without interpolation.

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