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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Wyoming Geological Association


The Geology and Mineral Resources of the Greater Green River Basin; 25th Annual Field Conference and Core Seminar Guidebook, 1973
Pages 193-199

Forminifera from the Type Area of the Hilliard Formation

Penny R. Adams, William E. Frerichs


Samples for foraminiferal study were collected from a 3254 foot thick section of the Hilliard Formation along the Hams Fork River approximately four miles north of the type section at Kemmerer, Wyoming. The section consists of three major lithologic units: 1) lower shale unit (1564') 2) middle sandstone unit (492') 3) upper shale unit (1198'). Through foraminiferal analysis of these units planktonic-benthonic ratios, foraminiferal number, percent arenaceous foraminifera, and species diversity were determined. These parameters suggest that a transgressive-regressive sequence of deposition was developed for each of the lithologic units. Foraminiferal evidence indicates the age of the Hilliard in the type area to be middle Turonian to early Maastrichtian.

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